Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My humble introduction to myself post...cheers!!

Well lemme start by telling you what I'm not rather than the conventional what I am stuff. I'm definitely not highfalutin and bitchy(which is the first feeling people get when they see me..grow up all of you!)I'm certainly not prosaic and introvertish!I'm sure as hell not sluggish(this is for you Mum, Dad n Misba...i just love to do things at my own pace.. :))and sure as shooting I can't cook. Coming to what I am now; I'm a perky peach, love to maunder among friends and au fond am as quirky as it gets. Im a capricious female and given to bouts of mood swings as frequent as the bomb blasts in India these days. Apropos I'm also a rock-ribbed "romantic" and given to quixotic oneirisms every now and then. Likewise I'm very ambitious when it comes to my career and wanna achieve the pinnacle of renown, fortune and goodwill in my life..I'm nuts about my loved ones and am most endued with the best of their kind Mum, Dad, Bro n "frenz"...I'm enamoured by Mother Nature and all its creations and have an aesthetic disposition and definitely by carrying on this pregnant(if you don't get the meaning of these words consider sitting with a dictionary the next time while reading mah blog)bit of article I'm nullifying the essence of balderdash that I'm gonna introduce you guys to..so fasten your seatbelts to make the precarious landing into "My World of Balderdash"...


Unknown said...


Syed Misbahul Haque said...

Hi All,
PFB the meaning of few words used in this article....it will help u to understand this article better, and which in turn would help u to know real swapna .....

Prosaic - dull,colourless,
BALDERDASH - nonsense ,rubbish,
SlugGish - slow,lethargic
Perky -vibrant , energetic
Disposition -character,temperament
pregnant - expecting ,loaded ,charged,significant
Quirky - eccentric,strange
Ribbed - corrugated,grooved,uneven
Capricious- variable,changeable,erratic
Apropos - regarding , concerning
Quixotic - romantic,idealistic
Renown - fame celebrity
Enamoured -in love,smitten , infatuated

avidwatcher said...

hmmm well lang seem to gel perfectly with humour :"as freequent as BB" WAY 2 GO!
Khushian bhi oos ki boondo ki tarah hoti hai' Savera hoti hi din ke ujale mein gayab ho jaati hain!
Hope dis will stay much longer.

rahul said...
